At Last We Have Arrived, We Are Now A DotCOM!

So it's been quite a while since I started blogging, actually almost six years now! So Hooray!!! Yeah!?

Anyways I just thought it's about time to move up so here we are now, we are now a DOT COM!!!

Since I have decided for this site to step up a bit. I want to fill it more with some more fun stuff things that you would enjoy reading or watching!

So if I would ask you what things you'd like to see me blog, do or make a video out of, what would it be? It doesn't matter who you are if you frequent here or you just passed by my blog I'd still like to know. I'd like to know more who reads what I write and write for you guys as well!

Let me know your answer in the comment section.



killerfiller said...

more travel stories! congrats for the dotcom domain

ian l said...

thanks killer filler! some of my travel stories are now on another site hehe.... please do visit for more travel stories ;) cheers!