Last saturday was the most tiring day of my life so far. I mean physically
My shift ended around 8:30 AM and I was up for some coffee but then I ended up having some Dark Cherry Mocha Frappucino all by my self!
My manager and I were one time talking about why the hell would starbucks come up with ridiculus flavors of coffee. I mean hello to toffee nut latte???? I treat my co-workers (which translates to my agents who cant say no to the flavors of coffee that I treat them with). Well at least one of my agents really likes the oh too sweet Dark Cherry Mocha which I too has adapted my palate with. It has a kind of Black Forest Cake taste like which I enjoy.
The Toffee Nut Latte was the one that I couldn't get used to... may be because its too nutty and I personally not like peanut butter and I don't know why. So if there is some one who likes toffee nut latte let me know.
I still yet have to finish a cup of pepermint mocha since I have not gathered enough courage to actually order it. I got a taste of it but from one of my co-workers when she ordered it but I wasn't really able to appreciate it that much.
Drinking coffee alone at Metro-walk the rain started to fall down so I just enjoyed the moment.
Time was really passing by slow and since I always have my swim gear with me, I decided to walk to ULTRA and have a swim.
I swam five laps of the Olympic size pool and damn I was really tired. I knew at that time that I need to stop smoking already. My lungs wasn't responding just like it used to when I last swam about two years ago.
After hitting the pool at ULTRA I spent some time walking around Megamall to scout for a new phone unfortunately I wasn't able to find one that suits my requirements at a certain budget.
Time passed by and it was afternoon already. I decided to go to Marikina and run some errands. I was done with all of the things I needed to do by about 1PM and my daughter was asking if we could go to the nearest mall.
It was almost six in the evening when we got home and nobody was in. So I stayed for a while and waited for every one. When my "mother-in-law" arrived she offered to take me to where I could get a ride back home.
But as a consequence we had to wait for one of my girl friend's brother so that they could drive me to cubao.
I was feeling really tired already my body was aching all over and was begging for a massage. luckily I remember that there is a spa in Cubao, Sanai Spa. Its not a fancy spa like wensha that would give you the whole spa experience. Its more like of a massage place where they give you a straight blissful massage. The best thing is that they have one of the most affordable so I took their 1 and 1/2 hour massage for just 300 pesos.
the best thing I love about that spa is you really feel that the service that you get is the full hour of massage that you paid for. actually i think it was a good two hours before the therapist got finished. Since I was fully satisfied I gave the therapist a hundred peso for a job well done.
After the massage I felt energized I then went straight home. I had a really good sleep thanks to the massage that I had. though extremely exhausted I had a great time that day being able to swim again and have a great time with my kid.
hope that I could do that again.... unbelievably
Oh yes! you are damn right!
Finally the cross posting capability of my launchpad website. I know I missed (or my launch pad made me miss) a lot of posts for my blogger site but I'll try my best to repost them manually.
So thank God that my cross posting now works.
Finally the cross posting capability of my launchpad website. I know I missed (or my launch pad made me miss) a lot of posts for my blogger site but I'll try my best to repost them manually.
So thank God that my cross posting now works.
Updating .......
I am so sorry I have not updated this blog for quite some time now. But the truth is its caused by some technical error in my blog machine which is where I launch my blogs from. I just dont know what happened.
You see it works like this. I write my blogs somewhere else then I publish them and cross publishes them on the appropriate blog of mine. But everytime that I publish them I think the cross publishing machine doesnt work!
So here I am writing manually to update you guys one blog at a time. But I promise that I will update this soon so with the blogs that you missed.
You see it works like this. I write my blogs somewhere else then I publish them and cross publishes them on the appropriate blog of mine. But everytime that I publish them I think the cross publishing machine doesnt work!
So here I am writing manually to update you guys one blog at a time. But I promise that I will update this soon so with the blogs that you missed.
Corazon Aquino
Good Bye Tita Cory.....
I woke up about 4:30 this morning, I can still fell my gum hurting because of the stitches it has due to the extraction I had from yesterday. I decided to open up my laptop and visit the social networking sites and update my self.
After a while I got bored since there was not much happening since most of my friends are still at work. So I decided to open the television to watch and that is when I learned about Tita Cory's passing.
Reports say that about 3:18 Tita Cory passed away due to Cardio Respiratory Arrest. Between 4-5 in the morning Noynoy came out of the hospital and confirmed that his mother has passed away.
Tita Cory has led the country to freedom from the past administration. She has inspired a lot of people to move and do something for the country. She is a perfect example of a leader for me. During the times when her husband was fighting for us she was always there supporting her husband and taking good care of her children. When Ninoy was killed she moved from the backdrop of the story to the lime light, even though she did not knew so much about politics what she new was she loves her country and that she will do everything for it.
During her term she was able to bring back democracy. She brought companies back to their righteous owners. She ordered that we should have a constitution that will empower people. during her time, people felt loved and cared for even though there was a lot of bad things happening, blackouts, water shortage arm revelries, but she withstood it and fought back to defend the freedom that we have.
She never stopped helping people through her personal capabilities. She helped communities and cooperatives by tying them together with private institutions to help them develop their members.
Tita Cory relinquished her post just right after her term. She did not show any ambition to stay in power. In fact she had chosen to ride a simple car instead of having a luxury car bring her home which any way was part of her privilege for being a former president. It was her joy that she was able to transfer the power to another one.It is her sense of accomplishment.
I hope that the current administration would learn from what Tita has taught us. I hope that they will not manipulatee and use their powers just stay at their position. I hope that they will use their vague statements that they recently gave and trick us. I hope that we all have learned what Tita Cory had taught us.
Credits belong to the people who took and made the graphics on this blog. No plagiarism/copyright theft intended.
The New Yahoo! Home Page
Just this morning about 6:42 AM here in Manila and 6:42 PM EST I was browsing through the internet using my wireless broadband (which I really like btw), I accidentally typed in instead of my usual direct to the mail address of
To my surprise Yahoo! got a new face!
I knew that yahoo was getting a face lift and that its gonna be a lot different from the previous but I did not expect that it would be like this. I had a sneak preview of how its gonna be and I didn't like it that much because it was like taking so much features away from its predecessor. It was very minimalistic and simple to the point that it almost looked like it was boring.
Way back a survey was done and people was asked what do they think about the internet, most of the people answered that they thought that Yahoo! was the internet. Yahoo! gave us the most coveted and almost always imitated homepage where everything was sorted out.
Today Yahoo is struggling to get back on the top of the game. On recently released news it was said that Yahoo! had partnered with MSN, nope they did not say if it was a merger, to deliver more compelling services that would rival Google.
I hope that this competition thing would be the best for all of us and give us more services that would help us in our daily living which is the ultimate goal of technology.
To my surprise Yahoo! got a new face!
The Yahoo! homepage has evolved so much over the past years adapting to the current trends that the internet is dictating. But at one point in time Yahoo dominated the scene.
Way back a survey was done and people was asked what do they think about the internet, most of the people answered that they thought that Yahoo! was the internet. Yahoo! gave us the most coveted and almost always imitated homepage where everything was sorted out.
Today Yahoo is struggling to get back on the top of the game. On recently released news it was said that Yahoo! had partnered with MSN, nope they did not say if it was a merger, to deliver more compelling services that would rival Google.
I hope that this competition thing would be the best for all of us and give us more services that would help us in our daily living which is the ultimate goal of technology.
Techie Mom
Today, my mom asked me how to sign up for multiply so that she could make a site for her organization, Valenzuela Persons with Disabilities Federation Inc. It is a nice thing that my mom is very much open to new technology and that she wants to learn how things work.
I taught her how to sign up and showed her how to post things online. But of course since she is not getting any younger she tends to use her "where is that thing" techniques so that she could get things done much faster.
But I thought that how is she going to learn if I am just to give in on her every request. She wouldn't learn if I just do the things for her.
But at least she is not afraid to new things in fact she loves it.
Anyways I will continue to help her build the site so that she could help more people with disabilities.
I would also like t commend her in her effort to raise social awareness about the rights of disabled people through programs like the one that just concluded held at SM Valenzuela titled: Valenzuela People with These-Abilities.
So if your parents ask things about how new things work, be glad that just means they are keeping an open mind about things and that they'd still would want to learn.
I taught her how to sign up and showed her how to post things online. But of course since she is not getting any younger she tends to use her "where is that thing" techniques so that she could get things done much faster.
But I thought that how is she going to learn if I am just to give in on her every request. She wouldn't learn if I just do the things for her.
But at least she is not afraid to new things in fact she loves it.
Anyways I will continue to help her build the site so that she could help more people with disabilities.
I would also like t commend her in her effort to raise social awareness about the rights of disabled people through programs like the one that just concluded held at SM Valenzuela titled: Valenzuela People with These-Abilities.
So if your parents ask things about how new things work, be glad that just means they are keeping an open mind about things and that they'd still would want to learn.
the start
This is the start of the rest of our lives.
We have been waiting for this for the longest time, our patience almost ran out.
There were no more tears shed as we part knowing that this is for the best for the three of us.
We have been waiting for this for the longest time, our patience almost ran out.
There were no more tears shed as we part knowing that this is for the best for the three of us.
Cross Posting
I have been posting a lot at my other site ( only to find out that the cross posting thing isn't working.
Well I don't have plans of copying and pasting the posts that weren't cross published I'll just let it be. But I'll try to make sure that it does get crossed posted.
I think its working now. The post below is a cross post
Well I don't have plans of copying and pasting the posts that weren't cross published I'll just let it be. But I'll try to make sure that it does get crossed posted.
I think its working now. The post below is a cross post
I'll get there..... just wait.
I have been awake since 4:30 this morning and I have been surfing a lot... getting a bit tired now... still have work tonight....
I get to be inspired a lot when I surf. I see a lot of things that stimulates my imagination and takes my thinking into new dimensions.
It gives me hope but at the same time it gives me this feeling that I am left behind and that I have to move now.
I am not in the same situation that other people are in which makes it easy for them to do what they want to. But then acceptance is a virtue that should be learned.
I will work my way to the place where I want to be, just wait i WILL be there.
I get to be inspired a lot when I surf. I see a lot of things that stimulates my imagination and takes my thinking into new dimensions.
It gives me hope but at the same time it gives me this feeling that I am left behind and that I have to move now.
I am not in the same situation that other people are in which makes it easy for them to do what they want to. But then acceptance is a virtue that should be learned.
I will work my way to the place where I want to be, just wait i WILL be there.
The Broadband Battle
I recently subscribe to Suncellular's broadband service, yes the wireless one. and so far I have been very satisfied with the service.
They are offering unlimited wireless connection anywhere here in Metro Manila Initially for just a flat rate fee of 650 pesos per month if you have a Suncell post paid phone for at least 6 months and just 799 pesos per month if you don't.
Nothing can beat the savings and the power that you get from Sun's broadband service. Comparing from other broadband services Sun is offering up to 2 mbps and yet they still made some room for improvement they have set their modems capable of bursting upto 3.6 mbps! whew! Now that is what you call power.
When I mentioned that compared to other broadband services a while ago, what I was referring to was the hard connection type of service. The ones that you still have to install in your homes with all the wires and everything.
These service providers charge up to almost 2,000 pesos for 2 mbps and yet you cant take it anywhere that you need the service. the only downside of the wireless service is the availability to the provinces. But hey can you take your hard connection with you even just a few blocks away? I dont think so!
Some of you might be thinking that I may be getting a bit unfair with the other providers. Okay well lets now compare apples to apples.
Smart Broadband service the good thing about smart broadband is that they have connection almost anywhere you go! you can be assured that you will get a signal even if you are sunbathing in the beach or retreating in the mountains. But here's the thing, Smart charges 10 pesos for every 30 minutes that you consume. iregardless if you have consumed that whole 30 minutes or not as long as you get disconnected form your current connection that is an automatic ten bucks for you.
They also have these plans where you get "40 Hours" of internet connection but then again the 30 minute rule applies again.
Now lets see Globes Visibility Service. I actually admire Globes spirit of competing with Smart. Why? Because with Globe's service, you only pay five pesos for every 15 minutes. That just means that you dont have to stay online for the next how many minutes because you dont want to waste the money that you bought for your load forcing you to surf the net without enjoying at all. However Globe is also strugling (at least that is what i see) with some technical glitches in their continous effort ot improve their system. When I tried Globes Visibility service in our house, It was a mess. The activity monitor for the connection was like a flat lining patient in the emergency room. Man I was like waiting for the next morning just to view the page. Unfortunately Globe was not a very good experience for me.
I was really hesitant to get Suncellular's service at first. I tried signing up with Sun's Robinsons Galleria Sun shop for a demo run but after a few months nothing happened. They did not even contacted me so I just assumed that they just cant provide me the service because they dont have enough signal here in Valenzuela.
But to my surprise when I tried it at the Sun shop in SM Valenzuela the thing works superbly!
I hope that i could test their DSL connections (hard connection type) so i could blog about them sometime... :D
They are offering unlimited wireless connection anywhere here in Metro Manila Initially for just a flat rate fee of 650 pesos per month if you have a Suncell post paid phone for at least 6 months and just 799 pesos per month if you don't.
Nothing can beat the savings and the power that you get from Sun's broadband service. Comparing from other broadband services Sun is offering up to 2 mbps and yet they still made some room for improvement they have set their modems capable of bursting upto 3.6 mbps! whew! Now that is what you call power.
When I mentioned that compared to other broadband services a while ago, what I was referring to was the hard connection type of service. The ones that you still have to install in your homes with all the wires and everything.
These service providers charge up to almost 2,000 pesos for 2 mbps and yet you cant take it anywhere that you need the service. the only downside of the wireless service is the availability to the provinces. But hey can you take your hard connection with you even just a few blocks away? I dont think so!
Some of you might be thinking that I may be getting a bit unfair with the other providers. Okay well lets now compare apples to apples.
Smart Broadband service the good thing about smart broadband is that they have connection almost anywhere you go! you can be assured that you will get a signal even if you are sunbathing in the beach or retreating in the mountains. But here's the thing, Smart charges 10 pesos for every 30 minutes that you consume. iregardless if you have consumed that whole 30 minutes or not as long as you get disconnected form your current connection that is an automatic ten bucks for you.
They also have these plans where you get "40 Hours" of internet connection but then again the 30 minute rule applies again.
Now lets see Globes Visibility Service. I actually admire Globes spirit of competing with Smart. Why? Because with Globe's service, you only pay five pesos for every 15 minutes. That just means that you dont have to stay online for the next how many minutes because you dont want to waste the money that you bought for your load forcing you to surf the net without enjoying at all. However Globe is also strugling (at least that is what i see) with some technical glitches in their continous effort ot improve their system. When I tried Globes Visibility service in our house, It was a mess. The activity monitor for the connection was like a flat lining patient in the emergency room. Man I was like waiting for the next morning just to view the page. Unfortunately Globe was not a very good experience for me.
I was really hesitant to get Suncellular's service at first. I tried signing up with Sun's Robinsons Galleria Sun shop for a demo run but after a few months nothing happened. They did not even contacted me so I just assumed that they just cant provide me the service because they dont have enough signal here in Valenzuela.
But to my surprise when I tried it at the Sun shop in SM Valenzuela the thing works superbly!
I hope that i could test their DSL connections (hard connection type) so i could blog about them sometime... :D
The Birth
I have been blogging for a quite a long time now and I have noticed that it has been like an outlet for me of my frustration. So I decided to focus on the positive this time. What do I love to do?
I will journal all my encounter in the things that I love, the internet, graphics design traveling anything under the sun!
Yes! this is the birth of a new facet in my life the one that I want to focus on. My Digital Manila life.
I will journal all my encounter in the things that I love, the internet, graphics design traveling anything under the sun!
Yes! this is the birth of a new facet in my life the one that I want to focus on. My Digital Manila life.
I recently subscribe to Suncellular's broadband service, yes the wireless one. and so far I have been very satisfied with the service.
They are offering unlimited wireless connection anywhere here in Metro Manila Initially for just a flat rate fee of 650 pesos per month if you have a Suncell post paid phone for at least 6 months and just 799 pesos per month if you don't.
Nothing can beat the savings and the power that you get from Sun's broadband service. Comparing from other broadband services Sun is offering up to 2 mbps and yet they still made some room for improvement they have set their modems capable of bursting upto 3.6 mbps! whew! Now that is what you call power.
When I mentioned that compared to other broadband services a while ago, what I was referring to was the hard connection type of service. The ones that you still have to install in your homes with all the wires and everything.
These service providers charge up to almost 2,000 pesos for 2 mbps and yet you cant take it anywhere that you need the service. the only downside of the wireless service is the availability to the provinces. But hey can you take your hard connection with you even just a few blocks away? I dont think so!
Some of you might be thinking that I may be getting a bit unfair with the other providers. Okay well lets now compare apples to apples.
Smart Broadband service the good thing about smart broadband is that they have connection almost anywhere you go! you can be assured that you will get a signal even if you are sunbathing in the beach or retreating in the mountains. But here's the thing, Smart charges 10 pesos for every 30 minutes that you consume. iregardless if you have consumed that whole 30 minutes or not as long as you get disconnected form your current connection that is an automatic ten bucks for you.
They also have these plans where you get "40 Hours" of internet connection but then again the 30 minute rule applies again.
Now lets see Globes Visibility Service. I actually admire Globes spirit of competing with Smart. Why? Because with Globe's service, you only pay five pesos for every 15 minutes. That just means that you dont have to stay online for the next how many minutes because you dont want to waste the money that you bought for your load forcing you to surf the net without enjoying at all. However Globe is also strugling (at least that is what i see) with some technical glitches in their continous effort ot improve their system. When I tried Globes Visibility service in our house, It was a mess. The activity monitor for the connection was like a flat lining patient in the emergency room. Man I was like waiting for the next morning just to view the page. Unfortunately Globe was not a very good experience for me.
I was really hesitant to get Suncellular's service at first. I tried signing up with Sun's Robinsons Galleria Sun shop for a demo run but after a few months nothing happened. They did not even contacted me so I just assumed that they just cant provide me the service because they dont have enough signal here in Valenzuela.
They are offering unlimited wireless connection anywhere here in Metro Manila Initially for just a flat rate fee of 650 pesos per month if you have a Suncell post paid phone for at least 6 months and just 799 pesos per month if you don't.
Nothing can beat the savings and the power that you get from Sun's broadband service. Comparing from other broadband services Sun is offering up to 2 mbps and yet they still made some room for improvement they have set their modems capable of bursting upto 3.6 mbps! whew! Now that is what you call power.
When I mentioned that compared to other broadband services a while ago, what I was referring to was the hard connection type of service. The ones that you still have to install in your homes with all the wires and everything.
These service providers charge up to almost 2,000 pesos for 2 mbps and yet you cant take it anywhere that you need the service. the only downside of the wireless service is the availability to the provinces. But hey can you take your hard connection with you even just a few blocks away? I dont think so!
Some of you might be thinking that I may be getting a bit unfair with the other providers. Okay well lets now compare apples to apples.
Smart Broadband service the good thing about smart broadband is that they have connection almost anywhere you go! you can be assured that you will get a signal even if you are sunbathing in the beach or retreating in the mountains. But here's the thing, Smart charges 10 pesos for every 30 minutes that you consume. iregardless if you have consumed that whole 30 minutes or not as long as you get disconnected form your current connection that is an automatic ten bucks for you.
They also have these plans where you get "40 Hours" of internet connection but then again the 30 minute rule applies again.
Now lets see Globes Visibility Service. I actually admire Globes spirit of competing with Smart. Why? Because with Globe's service, you only pay five pesos for every 15 minutes. That just means that you dont have to stay online for the next how many minutes because you dont want to waste the money that you bought for your load forcing you to surf the net without enjoying at all. However Globe is also strugling (at least that is what i see) with some technical glitches in their continous effort ot improve their system. When I tried Globes Visibility service in our house, It was a mess. The activity monitor for the connection was like a flat lining patient in the emergency room. Man I was like waiting for the next morning just to view the page. Unfortunately Globe was not a very good experience for me.
I was really hesitant to get Suncellular's service at first. I tried signing up with Sun's Robinsons Galleria Sun shop for a demo run but after a few months nothing happened. They did not even contacted me so I just assumed that they just cant provide me the service because they dont have enough signal here in Valenzuela.
bwiset na mercan
hindi ko alam kung nakapag post na ako ng tagalog dito sa blog ko pero kung hindi man ito na ang una.
naiinis na talaga ako. bwiset yang mercan canada na yan. up to this day, hindi parin nakakaalis ang girlfriend ko.
And because of that i cant really make the move to plan my life.
now i am torn of this situation. mayroon nagoofer sa akin ng malaki kaso ngalang sa sa middle east. tapos meron naman maganda ang location, pero the pay really kamusta naman!
I just hope makapag decide ako the soonest possible time bago mawala ang mga opportunity.
hindi ko alam kung nakapag post na ako ng tagalog dito sa blog ko pero kung hindi man ito na ang una.
naiinis na talaga ako. bwiset yang mercan canada na yan. up to this day, hindi parin nakakaalis ang girlfriend ko.
And because of that i cant really make the move to plan my life.
now i am torn of this situation. mayroon nagoofer sa akin ng malaki kaso ngalang sa sa middle east. tapos meron naman maganda ang location, pero the pay really kamusta naman!
I just hope makapag decide ako the soonest possible time bago mawala ang mga opportunity.
Today and Tomorrow
Sometimes do we even stop and think, are all of these seriousness good?
Have you ever thought about have I had enough fun to say that I have lived a good and full life?
Many people think of others who they think have too much fun as people who don't care about their future. On the other hand, those people who loves having fun think that those people who think about their future are too serious.
The question now in my mind is, how the hell do you really balance the two. Are all of your resources enough to do both? I mean have some for the future but at the same time still have something for fun?
just stopped and thought about it... and sharing
Have you ever thought about have I had enough fun to say that I have lived a good and full life?
Many people think of others who they think have too much fun as people who don't care about their future. On the other hand, those people who loves having fun think that those people who think about their future are too serious.
The question now in my mind is, how the hell do you really balance the two. Are all of your resources enough to do both? I mean have some for the future but at the same time still have something for fun?
just stopped and thought about it... and sharing
5 Years
5 years have past since we have joined the company that has changed our lives.
The last five years has been very colorful for me with the company that I am keeping. I have experienced joy, sorrow, pain, ecstasy, laughed and cried.
The company that I am keeping has been part of my life for the longest time that I can remember compared to the others that I have been with.
They say that most people in the call center industry just come and go. But I think that if you get to be with the right company that should not be the case. I should know.
But then again if you are a kind of person that would want to continually grow, sometimes you would have to go outside of your comfort zone or maybe the company that you keep.
I'd like to congratulate the people that has been with me and the people that has been part of my life for the last half a decade.
I truly feel that I have been blessed to have met you and I only pray for more success to all of us.
The last five years has been very colorful for me with the company that I am keeping. I have experienced joy, sorrow, pain, ecstasy, laughed and cried.
The company that I am keeping has been part of my life for the longest time that I can remember compared to the others that I have been with.
They say that most people in the call center industry just come and go. But I think that if you get to be with the right company that should not be the case. I should know.
But then again if you are a kind of person that would want to continually grow, sometimes you would have to go outside of your comfort zone or maybe the company that you keep.
I'd like to congratulate the people that has been with me and the people that has been part of my life for the last half a decade.
I truly feel that I have been blessed to have met you and I only pray for more success to all of us.
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