It's a Saturday night and there is nothing much to do. I am in front of my PC trying to remember what was I suppose to write about!? I was just thinking about a few moments ago and voila! I forgot it already!!!! DAMN!!!
Okay I'll just try to write up the things in my mind and maybe, just maybe I would come across that thought once again........
I woke-up yesterday at around 7PM to go to work, the dilemma was after work I have to go to school early in the morning for an examination. The thing is I haven't reviewed or read my notes on the skills that was to be covered! The worst part is that I wouldn't know what am I gonna do or demonstrate (out of the 31 skills discussed this semester)...... Thank God I got a fairly high grade 91% =)
Like I mentioned before, my girlfriend just got an offer to work in Canada. She's scheduled to fly there by April or May. As for me, I still need to finish my studies but I'll be visiting her there for sure next year.
Once I am done with my studies I plan to buy a car. Not a fancy one, but actually a dream car for me is a 2 door 1970's era car. I just have to pay for my credit cards so that I can be eligible once more to get a loan... this time I'll buy a good car!
Mid Month Update
Oh my! Its Mid October and this is actually my first post! Well there's really nothing much that I could do because I really don't have time that much and the Internet connection in my workplace really doesn't allow us to surf the internet.
Hmmm...... these past few days that I have been dreaming of so many things........
Dream #1
My tita who recently immigrated to the United States came home and was really excited in seeing us again but when I came in, it was time already for her to go. So we just hugged and said goodbyes and told each other till we meet again. But her reply to me was "sige... christian....sama mo si niknok pagpunta mo dun ha" (Bring you little brother with you when you go there!) that amazed me coz she mentioned it like I was just gonna go to somewhere very near.
Dream #2
I was on my way to the US and was already on a plane. Then turbulence suddenly shook our plane, the next thing I knew we were crashin! Then everything went blackout....
Hmmm...... these past few days that I have been dreaming of so many things........
Dream #1
My tita who recently immigrated to the United States came home and was really excited in seeing us again but when I came in, it was time already for her to go. So we just hugged and said goodbyes and told each other till we meet again. But her reply to me was "sige... christian....sama mo si niknok pagpunta mo dun ha" (Bring you little brother with you when you go there!) that amazed me coz she mentioned it like I was just gonna go to somewhere very near.
Dream #2
I was on my way to the US and was already on a plane. Then turbulence suddenly shook our plane, the next thing I knew we were crashin! Then everything went blackout....
Light came in again and I saw my self on the same airport. I was going somewhere again, but this time I didn't ride the plane that crash. It was like a second chance to make things happen.
I have been stressed a lot dealing with this US Immigration thing. But this is something that has been into my system. as if it is somthing that I breath for. I dont know if that is something bad but I am taking it possitively.
The other day, Roxanne applied for a scholarship program for the US. So I helped her and accompanied to the office for an initial interview. After that initial interview she was asked to file the requirements. I helped her in composing the essay the program asked her to make entitled "Why Do I Want To Study Masters In The United States?".
I cant imagine that it took me such a long time to actually compose this blog, I had to do it for three separate occassions just to finish this thing.
I have been going to school for several months already and I only have 3 months of installment left and about more or less than 4 months to finish the program. I have a month left to finish my second semester and the lessons are getting more and more difficult. But once we have finished this semester off we go to the hospital for our Clinical Exposure. We'll get to handle cases hands on and not just read and write on paper.
Everything is heating up in the office, I have been implimenting the performance policy very strictly and unfortunately I have been seeing some people slacking off with their jobs. So I decided to be like a NAZI when it comes to them doing their job.
My Aunt Claire (and nope she's not the one happyslip's mimicking) left for North Carolina already and I hope that everything's doing fine there. She called the other day and said that she hasn't responded to our emails and PMs coz she hasn't got her laptop just yet.
All dreams shall be realized and achieved, I know somewhere, sometime it will come to me. I know that I will reach the stars I will!
Vertigo and Migraine
Earlier, I went to the doctor coz I was really feeling dizzy and really not well. So after getting some rest, I met up with Roxanne and went around Robinson Galleria and eat and play with Alexie.
After a while, coz I was really getting dizzier and exhausted (unlike the usual) I decided to go and see the doctor earlier than scheduled. I asked my girlfriend to come with me inside the doctor's office coz I wanted to make sure that I could tell the doctor all of the things that I had been complaining about the past few days.
After the intensive interview with the doctor, talking about how and what am I feeling. After some test it was confirmed that I have Paroxysmal Migraine and Vertigo.
Paroxysmal Migraine.
It starts every time I smell something or see the aura's around the lights. At first I thought that It was the reason or the disease it self. But I was wrong those are just the signs that I am going to have a migraine attack.
I am super sad coz I have this life long disease that I have to carry, but moving forward I have to accept that I have to deal with it.
Unlike getting dizzy (which I thought I was experiencing before I went to the doctor) Vertigo is when you feel that everything around you is moving while with getting dizzy it feels like you are moving though you are not. Well that explains why do I always feel that there's an earthquake happening.
Well, like I mentioned I have to deal with it, there is nothing that I could do more. The doctor told me that I got these because of stress and too much work and study. So from this point on I'll try to balance my life and slow down a bit.
The doctor said that I should have a balance active lifestyle. She explained that even if I am awake, working and studying more than the usual it doesn't mean that I am living an active and balance life. she said that I should take time relax, exercise, read, socialize.... In other words try to be more normal than working my brain out of my head. Well, I'm going to take her advise. I'll go back to swimming and read some books that I have, of course that is aside from the books that I have for school.
After a while, coz I was really getting dizzier and exhausted (unlike the usual) I decided to go and see the doctor earlier than scheduled. I asked my girlfriend to come with me inside the doctor's office coz I wanted to make sure that I could tell the doctor all of the things that I had been complaining about the past few days.
After the intensive interview with the doctor, talking about how and what am I feeling. After some test it was confirmed that I have Paroxysmal Migraine and Vertigo.
Paroxysmal Migraine.
It starts every time I smell something or see the aura's around the lights. At first I thought that It was the reason or the disease it self. But I was wrong those are just the signs that I am going to have a migraine attack.
I am super sad coz I have this life long disease that I have to carry, but moving forward I have to accept that I have to deal with it.
Unlike getting dizzy (which I thought I was experiencing before I went to the doctor) Vertigo is when you feel that everything around you is moving while with getting dizzy it feels like you are moving though you are not. Well that explains why do I always feel that there's an earthquake happening.
Well, like I mentioned I have to deal with it, there is nothing that I could do more. The doctor told me that I got these because of stress and too much work and study. So from this point on I'll try to balance my life and slow down a bit.
The doctor said that I should have a balance active lifestyle. She explained that even if I am awake, working and studying more than the usual it doesn't mean that I am living an active and balance life. she said that I should take time relax, exercise, read, socialize.... In other words try to be more normal than working my brain out of my head. Well, I'm going to take her advise. I'll go back to swimming and read some books that I have, of course that is aside from the books that I have for school.
Updates Part II
Ha Ha! It seems that its getting more difficult to find time to bl0g now-a-days. Well here's Updates Part II for all of you guys.
This half of the month I got diagnose with vertigo and migraine. The doctor says that its because of stress. you can read all about it below.
I also decided to bring back the old layout of my blog since I figured out how Multiply could work for my advantage already and I dont have to get tired of programing my page to put my photos in the page.
In the office? It has been really tiring as well. The pressure to meet targets are really high and every one is really stressed out.
At school, we are almost done with our 2nd trimester. We only have several subjects left then its sem break already. on our third and final trimester, we will be heading to the hospital for our Clinical Experience. We will be putting all the theories that we have learned into action.
Hope that I could blog some more and share more things to you guys. I also hope that you could visit my multiply site which is
This half of the month I got diagnose with vertigo and migraine. The doctor says that its because of stress. you can read all about it below.
I also decided to bring back the old layout of my blog since I figured out how Multiply could work for my advantage already and I dont have to get tired of programing my page to put my photos in the page.
In the office? It has been really tiring as well. The pressure to meet targets are really high and every one is really stressed out.
At school, we are almost done with our 2nd trimester. We only have several subjects left then its sem break already. on our third and final trimester, we will be heading to the hospital for our Clinical Experience. We will be putting all the theories that we have learned into action.
Hope that I could blog some more and share more things to you guys. I also hope that you could visit my multiply site which is
Rice Again
About two days ago, I decided not to eat rice again.........
I started not eating rice last year, on the second sunday of January. I felt so fat at that time and was already not feeling good (Medically speaking). I was dizzy a lot of time and back pain was there more often.
After a couple of weeks in the diet, I started feeling better, the backpains that I was complaining about is gone and I ironically I felt more energized.
But then came a point that I missed my good old friend (hehehehehe syempre yung kanin!) so on the 3rd week of July I started eating rice again. It felt really good to eat rice again, so good that it almost felt like a comfort food.... hahahahaha!
Anyways, aside from quiting from eating rice again I am also into quitting smoking. My gosh! am turning to be this boring person that I am imagining? But then again I would rather turn into a boring person than to live with COPD.
Anyways, the point is I am trying to be live a more healthier lifestyle. I hope that I could do it so that I can have a better feel of my self...... I think you could say to gain more confidence.
I started not eating rice last year, on the second sunday of January. I felt so fat at that time and was already not feeling good (Medically speaking). I was dizzy a lot of time and back pain was there more often.
After a couple of weeks in the diet, I started feeling better, the backpains that I was complaining about is gone and I ironically I felt more energized.
But then came a point that I missed my good old friend (hehehehehe syempre yung kanin!) so on the 3rd week of July I started eating rice again. It felt really good to eat rice again, so good that it almost felt like a comfort food.... hahahahaha!
Anyways, aside from quiting from eating rice again I am also into quitting smoking. My gosh! am turning to be this boring person that I am imagining? But then again I would rather turn into a boring person than to live with COPD.
Anyways, the point is I am trying to be live a more healthier lifestyle. I hope that I could do it so that I can have a better feel of my self...... I think you could say to gain more confidence.
Gosh! It has been a while since I last logged in to my blogspot account coz
#1 We just transferred to our new site which is in Meralco
#2 because the IT guys in the Meralco site took all of the internet connections out from even us supervisors
Anyway it has been really feels nice to be at home. here in my home.... blogspot. I feel more comfortable blogging with this machine with reasons I dont know. may be because it is easier to blog in here, okay may i'l just put it that way.
Going back to the move to meralco it has been really nice since we are far away from all of the stress that the streets of ortigas gives us. The bad thing is that there are no convenience store that we could buy stuff in cases of emergency.
But the best thing that I got as a benefit from this site is that I cant buy any "yosi" any where.
there's a lot of stuff going on in my life. I'll try to post something may be before the week ends.
Wait before i forget. I really wanna post this thing. I just watched Sharon (a tv show here in the philippines) talking about being positive and how it would help you achieve your dreams. the guest in that show said we should write about the things that we want to achieve and mention it everyday and it will come true. I hope that I am following the things that they said on that show by keeping this blog. I know that I will get to be where I wanna be.
#1 We just transferred to our new site which is in Meralco
#2 because the IT guys in the Meralco site took all of the internet connections out from even us supervisors
Anyway it has been really feels nice to be at home. here in my home.... blogspot. I feel more comfortable blogging with this machine with reasons I dont know. may be because it is easier to blog in here, okay may i'l just put it that way.
Going back to the move to meralco it has been really nice since we are far away from all of the stress that the streets of ortigas gives us. The bad thing is that there are no convenience store that we could buy stuff in cases of emergency.
But the best thing that I got as a benefit from this site is that I cant buy any "yosi" any where.
there's a lot of stuff going on in my life. I'll try to post something may be before the week ends.
Wait before i forget. I really wanna post this thing. I just watched Sharon (a tv show here in the philippines) talking about being positive and how it would help you achieve your dreams. the guest in that show said we should write about the things that we want to achieve and mention it everyday and it will come true. I hope that I am following the things that they said on that show by keeping this blog. I know that I will get to be where I wanna be.
Why do I dream? Why do I dream a lot?
Do I dream to the point that I knowit would just remain a dream?
Do I dream too much?
Are they all gonna come true?
Waves come in, waves come out….. hear them rush to your feet
Feel the sand on your palms…. Stare at the stars that covers the sky
Feel my heart, feel me breath, feel my emptiness, fill me in.
Do I dream to the point that I knowit would just remain a dream?
Do I dream too much?
Are they all gonna come true?
Waves come in, waves come out….. hear them rush to your feet
Feel the sand on your palms…. Stare at the stars that covers the sky
Feel my heart, feel me breath, feel my emptiness, fill me in.
May Liwanag Ang Buhay........... Meralco Site
But there’s a lot of good things here in our Meralco site as well. I have to mention that food here is very good. When we were still in Robinsons Equitable Tower, I can bare not to eat because the food is really awful, but in here you just cant help but eat a lot, well you can see it on by body built! Lolz.
So far we are a very happy family here…… well except for the fact that we are experiencing a lot of downtimes, everything is considered okay.
I hope that we continue to be happy.
Back to Basics
I have been thinking for the past few days, should I bring back my old blog. I mean I like my blog actually looks like a website but it seems that I am just repeating the things that I can do with multiply. Furthermore, I cannot update the index page that often.
So do you think I should go back to my old layout. I kinda miss that one, One page, get the story upfront. I think that is what a blog should look like..... well I guess I'll just go back to it. Anyways, my current layout looks kind of boring....
We'll see....
So do you think I should go back to my old layout. I kinda miss that one, One page, get the story upfront. I think that is what a blog should look like..... well I guess I'll just go back to it. Anyways, my current layout looks kind of boring....
We'll see....
Downtime Bigtime!
Then I over heard the IT personel that it is possible that people will be sent home because of some technical trouble that the center is experiencing.
That was the first time that PHub sent home people because of Downtime, the first time within its 3 years of existence.
People from my program refused to go home so they stayed a while to do quality calibrations and team meetings. After a while, a ray of light was seen. The IT people asked us to log in and try to make calls. It was kind of hard to log in at first but we tried over and over.
Finally! we were able to log in to the system and make calls. However the Victory was short lived since after we left for the Mercalco site the agents were asked to log out because of AGAIN, tech issues.
Luneta Trip - Better Late than NEVER
Last sunday (07-01-07) I took my girlfriend to Manila Hotel for a seminar for OR Nurses. Manila Hotel is just right beside Luneta/Rizal Park so instead of riding a jeep I decided to take a walk and see some of the sights that I havent seen for a long time now. As you can see these set Includes photos of the Manila City Hall, and yes it means I walked from The Manila Hotel to the Central Station of LRT just past the Manila City Hall.
Hahaha its already August I got to post this one month after I got to take it.

Hahaha its already August I got to post this one month after I got to take it.
When frustration comes into your system, It eats you.
For the past how many days, An emotion had been eating my system. I dont know if that is what you call Frustration. I feel like I want to go home at the middle of the shift. I feel like I wanna run bare footed on the sands of a beach I have never been to. I want to find my self and where am I lacking of when it comes to doing my job correctly.
I dont want to blame other people for feeling this way. This is my body, my mind and my spirit. I am the one who commands my soul. But It seems like it wonders around and would not stay with me, questing for some higher ground.
Stop. I know that I cant search for some place as of this time. It does not exist, It should not exist! I need to be where I am today. This is part of the struggle, this is part of the sacrifices that I have to make.
I believe in happy endings, but I only becomes worst before you can feel that it actually had become better.
I need to gather my toughts that makes me happy. My family, my loved one, my friends and the trip that I had a year ago that keeps me motivated. Funny how it seems that, that same trip that keeps me motivated keeps me frustrated about the things that I see.
I will strive to be better, I will get out of this puddle of mud. You can only say that I am better now when I see my self out of this puddle. But I can only say that I am out of it only when I realize and accept that I am in it right now.
For the past how many days, An emotion had been eating my system. I dont know if that is what you call Frustration. I feel like I want to go home at the middle of the shift. I feel like I wanna run bare footed on the sands of a beach I have never been to. I want to find my self and where am I lacking of when it comes to doing my job correctly.
I dont want to blame other people for feeling this way. This is my body, my mind and my spirit. I am the one who commands my soul. But It seems like it wonders around and would not stay with me, questing for some higher ground.
Stop. I know that I cant search for some place as of this time. It does not exist, It should not exist! I need to be where I am today. This is part of the struggle, this is part of the sacrifices that I have to make.
I believe in happy endings, but I only becomes worst before you can feel that it actually had become better.
I need to gather my toughts that makes me happy. My family, my loved one, my friends and the trip that I had a year ago that keeps me motivated. Funny how it seems that, that same trip that keeps me motivated keeps me frustrated about the things that I see.
I will strive to be better, I will get out of this puddle of mud. You can only say that I am better now when I see my self out of this puddle. But I can only say that I am out of it only when I realize and accept that I am in it right now.
New Worksite, New Schoolsite
My Co-worker, Dyo approached me the other day and told me he was actually reading my blog from time to time.... Thanks so much Dyo Baculi!!!!
Tomorrow, I'll be taking another exam, a long one for my Med-Surg subject. The hard part about my subjects this semester is that it requires a lot of reading. I need to learn the different diseases, the medications and the interventions that I need to do.
Though its kind of tough, it is actually fun. I learn a lot every day and it really feels good.

Tomorrow, I'll be taking another exam, a long one for my Med-Surg subject. The hard part about my subjects this semester is that it requires a lot of reading. I need to learn the different diseases, the medications and the interventions that I need to do.
Though its kind of tough, it is actually fun. I learn a lot every day and it really feels good.

What a coincidence that both my worksite and school would be transferring to a new location. My worksite would be transferring to the Meralco compound in pasig because the campaign that I am in is getting bigger.

As for my school, we will be transferring to a bigger site as well. Its going to be in the summit building along shaw boulevard. I heard that we needed to transfer site because TESDA required the school a certain floor area to be recognized as a school. Hope that studying would just get better since its going to be more conducive to learning.
I continue to struggle juggling work and study, though at times it takes a lot of sacrifice and at times frustrates me a lot to actually not get into the top of the class, I continue to hold on. This is what I wanted, to shift the paradaigm that I am into. To shift fromt he puddle of stress that I am into and get into, maybe not heaven but a clearer puddle of water.
I hope that I will survive this test. I only have two more semester to finish the course and then go to a review school to finish everything. I will stand still and will make it through the rain.
Turn Around
It has been quite some time since I last posted something here and updated all of my unloyal readers..... lolz..... just joking..... its just that I see so many people checking my page but no body leaves a message.... I wonder why.
Okay, my invisible friends, here is my update on my life. The last time that I posted something, I was in some kind of a crisis. I was confused on what will happen to me after my old campaign. Well, here's the verdict. I am now with the campaign that I started with, PC002 the old MSMB2B campaign is still standing but has been maked over.
I have been strugling ever since that I had been transferred. The parameters are kind of tricky and stiff and I having trouble coping with it. my team's validation has been kinda okay compared to other teams but the management still isn't satisfied with it.
The team that I was given has been fine and they have been working independently and I am so proud of that. I want to make my people to be responsible of their own actions be more matured, that is the team that I would like to have.
The schedule is very awful. At least for me. I need to be at the office by 9:45 hit lunch by 2:45 AM and I am off by 6:45 meaning I may go home but i actually cant go home. I have to make lots of reports or "reports" to cut the story short I go home about 8 AM.
What actually is awful about the schedule is that I have to actually be home asap after work to sleep, coz that would be the only chance that I have to rest because I still have to go to school by 1PM.
School actually okay and I am on my second semester that would be the last sem with subjects. they say that afer this semester we will be on a review type of class plus we'll be deployed in a hospital.
I actually am stressed right now because of the pressure that I am on but I hope that I would survive this to the end.
Life as a bitch is over DOG!
it has been about a week now since I transferred to my new campaign and today is the last day for my old campaign. I have been going through a lot of struggles and I hope that I doing progress when it comes to coping.
The thing is, before I decide and act as needed but now I have to inform my superior (which I don't have any problems with) and wait for the result. Maybe I am just used to taking action by my self and the act of waiting for the outcome is killing me.
It feels like I have been demoted. I don't know! I dont wanna hurt anybody's feeling with that statement but It feels like it. I am not even begging to be promoted either but if it comes along, I would think about it first.
You see that is the problem. My situation with my previous campaign is very unique. I get to decide matters on my own. Talk with the client if I have some issues to resolve. I even get to be involved on management issues and not just supervision issues.
I have been practically a manager for the last two years and now I'm going back to my old life as a supervisor.
The thing is, before I decide and act as needed but now I have to inform my superior (which I don't have any problems with) and wait for the result. Maybe I am just used to taking action by my self and the act of waiting for the outcome is killing me.
It feels like I have been demoted. I don't know! I dont wanna hurt anybody's feeling with that statement but It feels like it. I am not even begging to be promoted either but if it comes along, I would think about it first.
You see that is the problem. My situation with my previous campaign is very unique. I get to decide matters on my own. Talk with the client if I have some issues to resolve. I even get to be involved on management issues and not just supervision issues.
I have been practically a manager for the last two years and now I'm going back to my old life as a supervisor.
I went home in Valenzuela today because I need to play (music) for the first part of the mass as Kuya Eli will be late coz he's coming in from school.
As I arrived at the church it rained hard. And I was thinking because it was raining may be Kuya Eli wont be coming to church to finish the shift and I really would want that to happen. But thank God the rain did stop and kua Eli was there on time.
I went home but passed by the buko stand near the church. It was nice to savor the things that you are used to. The fresh taste of buko makes me remember that I am at home, I could never taste the same buko juice anywhere else. And as my girlfriend would say "Kasi naman baby, Probinsya nanaman yang lugar ninyo".
So I got home and took the key from my aunt who was living at the house near by. When I got in, I saw the house was really in a mess. I tried to clean up as much as I could but then again, I can only do so much. But at least the house looked a bit breezier now.
One thing that I realized when I was cleaning the house I need to learn not to be attached so much with something. Like friends, officemates just like how should I not be so attached with the trash that we have in our house. My gosh! I haven't realized that we have so much trash in our house that we have.
Lesson learned. never get attached or else it will break your heart.
How About Today?
Have you ever felt alone while youare at a middle of a crowd?
It feels like that today. I guess today is "the bad day part II". I got to school for my grand return demo on nursing skills a bit late but it was okay sinc the panel was taking a break so it was no big deal at all. I did really good with an averaged score of 82.5 across all the panel judges.

Here's where the heart break comes in. The dean spoke with me regarding my grades. I have a subject that is a bit low and another is almost failing and we are just waiting for the the last set of grades to confirm if I am really going to fail.
I was disappointed, frustrated and CRUSHED! this wasn't i was expecting. I have worked so hard to study and I'm getting average grades!? But I will hold on and keep on studying.
I just can't believe it! The same day that I got the news about my grades is the day that I received a text message that one of my agents is going to resign. I value so much that agent because she helps me a lot with the daily tasks and I don't know if I could handle the programs that I have if I don't have her.
I have spent the last two years with this campaign and it has a lot of programs that only I handle. Since I handled this account I had never gotten any rest.
Sometimes all of the programs run at the same time. here's the run down of the programs that I manage
- Krispy Kreme
- Sierra Service Stations
- Pepboys
- Martindale Hubbelle
and now they are to add another program CS4E! the thing is that it is a sales account, I have never handled a sales account since two years ago! hmmm more that excited I am nervous about this. I am not only expected to multi-task but to stay productive. No Pressure huh!?
Two old friends, who meet again!
When was the last time that you met your friends, say from Highschool?
I graduated highschool on 1999 then after that I lost contact with my friends from highschool. So, I had to make a new set of friends this time from college.
I have been in touch with my college friends and actually see them at least once a year or everytime there is an occasion in their town (bulacan). Unlike with my friends from highschool i do not have any news no connection or whatsoever as in zilch, nada zero!
Then one day, was invented...... whoooooaaahhh now i can connect to more friends since they are just a message away. But I guess not for my highschoo friends I can't find most of them on the net. Maybe they have changed their names inot nicknames that are much more cooler huh!
Until I found a classmate on the site. The best part of Friendster is that you can search for more friends on your friends list of friends, its basically a networking site met for that specific purpose..... finding and getting intouch with your friends.
The other day someone viewed my profile and my habit is to check the profiles of those who view me. so I went to this persons profile page and something was really familiar. She (he is a straight gay) is a performer in "The Library" and a bunch of other good bars.

The name on the page was Mavey Cleofas. I remember having a friend named Marvin but not Mavey. So could they be the same person that I am thinking of? To kill the anticipation I sent a message to mavey saying "Mavey? Marvin Cleofas is that you!?" and yes she replied "Yup, Malaki na ba ang pinagbago ng mukha ko? Well yeah her face change a lot because of some plastic surgery I guess, but its okay coz the outcome is really good.
Anyway, she asked if we could go see her on one of her shows, she on the stage at the library every friday. I just hope that I could go and find time to.
School Days Are Happy Days
It's June and this is my first post for the month............ hmmmmm.............. why do I keep on saying that every month? lolz..
Well school (regular) is back and the traffic in the metro is back as well and the school rush is hitting on me as well.
Last weekend I went to visit my family in Valenzuela to spend sometime with them. It was nice since that I was able to see most of my relatives (father's side) coz it was my Tita Gigi's birthday so she hosted a lunch party for all of us.
as usual I was busy for church on sundays, I practice the songs that I will be playing for the mass. I went to church about an hour early so I could use a somewhat more decent keyboard since both of my keyboards have busted keys.
later that day I just chilled in our house and watched some TV. After resting for an hour we then went to Fatima Medical Center where my sister is confined. She was suffering from an inflammed kidney thank God she's been discharcged last tuesday.
Monday, woke up really early so that I could still review for my finals that afternoon but then everyone went out early so they had to ask me to bring my 3 year old niece to school, pay the electric bill my self and buy some chicken food.
wheeew!!! it was really tiring the result? I got to school really late! but then everything went fine.
No Pics :(
So, have you noticed that for the couple of blogs I did that there's no picture at all!!!?
I haven't been able to post pictures the past few blogs coz the IT guys in my office took off my access to the USB port. Hmmmmm......... time to find new ways to get those pics into my computer.....Wehehehe.....
We didn't had classes today coz the prof advised that she is very sick so we'll just catch up on saturday. But the thing is I already have plans for the weekend so they would have to wait and reschedule.
I also moved to my new room. I am sharing a house with a couple of friends and it has been a pleasant stay so far. Someone just moved out to get a studio for the both of them so the breeziest room just got vacated. Nice!!!! so I moved in. Its really great coz now I have some privacy and everything and I dont have to think about other people's privacy as well. hahahaha now I can sleep naked like I used to ***** Comfy*****
I haven't been able to post pictures the past few blogs coz the IT guys in my office took off my access to the USB port. Hmmmmm......... time to find new ways to get those pics into my computer.....Wehehehe.....
We didn't had classes today coz the prof advised that she is very sick so we'll just catch up on saturday. But the thing is I already have plans for the weekend so they would have to wait and reschedule.
I also moved to my new room. I am sharing a house with a couple of friends and it has been a pleasant stay so far. Someone just moved out to get a studio for the both of them so the breeziest room just got vacated. Nice!!!! so I moved in. Its really great coz now I have some privacy and everything and I dont have to think about other people's privacy as well. hahahaha now I can sleep naked like I used to ***** Comfy*****
Melancholic Day
I feel superlazy today and if I am a crazy person I could have resigned already. I feel useless I don't feel needed. I mean, I do my own stuff and all but It seems so routinary. I don't feel challenged with the job that I have.
Help. I need help I need to feel needed. This Melancholy is eating me the whole of me
Help. I need help I need to feel needed. This Melancholy is eating me the whole of me
Look I blooged from home (Bulacan) :D
Ha ha ha ha !!!!! to start things off, It's funny that I am actually blogging with the interface in another language just look at this "Julkaiseminen" I just cut and pasted it from the tab that supposedly is for the posts tab. I wonder what language is this in and it is so weird because I am using my sisters laptop with out any proxies so.... what happened?
Okay, so the last time that I blogged I wrote about the senators that I voted for the elections. They are acually doing good and I hope that my favorite candidates would win :D
on another side let me ask you guys some questions ( just answer by posting a comment).
what are the things that you'd like to talk about? what are the things that you'd like to see on my blog?
I've been reviewing some of the posts that I did and sometimes It gets to a point that I just turn into the same topic. But how can I blame my self I created this blog to help me cope with my aspirations and dreams.
Anyway I will continue to post the same topics but will add more topics that you guys would want to hear or see :D
Okay, so the last time that I blogged I wrote about the senators that I voted for the elections. They are acually doing good and I hope that my favorite candidates would win :D
on another side let me ask you guys some questions ( just answer by posting a comment).
what are the things that you'd like to talk about? what are the things that you'd like to see on my blog?
I've been reviewing some of the posts that I did and sometimes It gets to a point that I just turn into the same topic. But how can I blame my self I created this blog to help me cope with my aspirations and dreams.
Anyway I will continue to post the same topics but will add more topics that you guys would want to hear or see :D
May 14 Realizations
Good Deeds Do Not Come Unrewarded
By 2:30 PM I went to the nearby public school in my home town to vote. So I went straight up to the second floor where I usually vote. To my surprise my name wasn't there. Then the poll watchers told me that I could go downstairs and ask for the right precint number that I should go to at the stage.
As I went to the stage, a familiar face took my attention. It was my bestfriend from college! Julius Mitiam.
Well we haven't talked to each other for quite sometime already and he changed a lot (physically). As we were talking he explained to me that he is part wait, let me rephrase that he is the chairman of the PPCRVY, the youth arm of the Parish Pastoral Council on Responisble Voting that helps voters locate their precint number.
He wrote my name in piece of paper and gave to one of his staff so that they could look for my precint number. As they came up with the information I knew that I went to the right room. As i tried to depart from the conversation so that I could go to the precint again he uttered "Sandali samahan nakita para madali, minsan lang ako makabawi" and then every thing went back to me.
I remember the time when I used to help this kid with school stuff. I realized that I did made good relationships with my calssmates in way back. It was really nice to see the people that has been part of my life and to feel that everything you do for good is not in vain.
The Vote
So here's how I voted today
1 Trillanes, Antonio IV
2 Arroyo, Joker
3 Zubiri, Migz
4 Escudero, Chiz
5 Recto, Ralph
6 Lacson, Panfilo,
7 Pangilinan, Francis
8 Villar, Manuel Jr
So far all of my candidates are still in the running and not trailing behind the others. Yup you are seeing just 8 cnadidates. That is because they are the only ones whom I think that should be in office..... the others they can think about what they have done.... well I'm still thinking about loren legarda.
Status Check
I am officially sick!
My tonsills are inflammed again and its the second time this year. They say that if you get more than two incidents of Tonsilitis within the year you have to take them out as they could cause heart problems. well I hope that this is the last.
I feel so week and I could barely think. I hope I could blog some more tomorrow.
By the way, Advance Happy Mother's day :D
My tonsills are inflammed again and its the second time this year. They say that if you get more than two incidents of Tonsilitis within the year you have to take them out as they could cause heart problems. well I hope that this is the last.
I feel so week and I could barely think. I hope I could blog some more tomorrow.
By the way, Advance Happy Mother's day :D
The Fire, The Clothes and The Scene
Forest Fire
I Just learned last night, when I was watching CNN that Griffith Park was on fire. The most memmorable park that I have ever been in L.A. But that really doesn't bother me that much. What bothers me is that just a couple of miles away the family (Mancanes Family) that fostered me for a few days when I was in the big city lives.
Griffith Park is such a lovely place, on the way to the top of the mountain you'll be passing by Los Felis, a neighborhood of lovely houses situated at the foot of the mountain. On the top of Griffith Park you'll have the best view in town. You'll see the whole city on a bright and sunny day.
I hope that they could save most of the park just so that I could reminise the first time that I was there.
School Uniform
Yesterday , I attended school for the first time in complete uniform. I got to buy old clothes from my girlfriends co-workers since they just graduated and they won't be using the uniforms anymore. I didn't mind using old uniforms because, anyway, I'm just gonna use it for more or less than 9 months only. I didn't wanna waste that much money so I agreed with Rox that I'll just take the ones that we can from her co workers.
Office Scene
I just received an email from the director of International operations of our company that we will be having dinner with the CEO Mr. Beaver Lopez. I wondered what are the things that we would be discussing about, so I asked my operations manager what could it possibly be. Unfortunately, replied with out any confidence as he utter, "siguro tatanungin kayo kung ano ang mga ginagawa nyo". Well any ways I don't think that its gonna be that toxic during the meeting with Mr. Lopez.
The thing that only concerns me about this meeting is that, I am off from office by 9 AM today then I'll be meeting with Roxanne later by 10:30 AM to get her new phone from SunCellular and pick up her ticket for Saipan in Julia Vargas. Once we're done with all of those things I'll be going straight to my 1 PM MCN class which would last till around 6PM.
Now the dilema is will I absent my self from my Class or should I just not attend the meeting with Mr. Lopez. So what do you think?
Goodbye Mitz, Say hello to Singapore now
Today a friend just left for singapore. Trying to look for a better life. So do Filipinos fly out of the country because of poverty or do we just move out because we want a different life.
In the United States, people move from one state to another. So if the whole southeast asia was just like the US a whole bunch of countries that united polically wont be people moving around. Maybe we are just so attached to the place where we were born that is why people moving from one place to another is such a big deal.
I my self would like to move to California because life (the lifestyle) seems to be much better there. The weather is just what I want it to be a bit warm and a bit cold.
But as for now Im surely gonna miss my friend Mitch. She's gonna be far away but I doubt that she would be forgotten.

Hoping to reunite with old friends
I miss my friends from way back college and highschool. I browse everyday on friendster and reminise on the things that we used to do when I was young.
I do have regrets, yes!.... that is part of being human. I regret not being more adventurous when I was younger. Do the things that I can only escape with because of my innocence. Don't you think I've wasted that opportunity?
I am greatful for the way that I was brought up. The way that my parents made sure that I'm going to independent. I greatful to the Lord that He had never let me astray from his light.
I am greatful of that because He has always been my strength in times that I need to be extra strong.
I am also greatful of being where I am now, the path that the Lord gave me.
Nostalgic of the things that I used to do, used to be. but I dont wanna go back there.... I just wanna meet the people that I met and reminise the things we did for fun and laugh at our foolishness.
I do have regrets, yes!.... that is part of being human. I regret not being more adventurous when I was younger. Do the things that I can only escape with because of my innocence. Don't you think I've wasted that opportunity?
I am greatful for the way that I was brought up. The way that my parents made sure that I'm going to independent. I greatful to the Lord that He had never let me astray from his light.
I am greatful of that because He has always been my strength in times that I need to be extra strong.
I am also greatful of being where I am now, the path that the Lord gave me.
Nostalgic of the things that I used to do, used to be. but I dont wanna go back there.... I just wanna meet the people that I met and reminise the things we did for fun and laugh at our foolishness.
Growing Up.........
Now that I have grown to be the man that I am. I must face the challenges of tomorrow. To provide my family with the a comfortable life. To give them the best things in life. Teach them to fear the Lord and make sure that they do the same to their kids.
A lot of challenges awaits a man that dreams high. I know that I will face a lot of them. But I need to be strong so I'll just always look up high from the mountain from where comes my help.
Now that I have grown to be the man that I am. I must face the challenges of tomorrow. To provide my family with the a comfortable life. To give them the best things in life. Teach them to fear the Lord and make sure that they do the same to their kids.
A lot of challenges awaits a man that dreams high. I know that I will face a lot of them. But I need to be strong so I'll just always look up high from the mountain from where comes my help.
HappySlip on TV
At Last! she has been given the media exposure.... I have been following the career of Christine for quite sometime now and yes she is my favorite Internet Star..... I hope she could get jobs there in Hollywood and still continue with the site :D
Random Thoughts
Change, some say that it is inevitable. I believe them. Some that I know change when we parted ways. They change their priorities, change their view in their lives. Some of them disassociated them selves from me.
This is something that has been in my blog ever since, to start with, this is the reason why I started this blog thing. I am working hard to achieve this thing.
Success differs from one person to another. Some people view success as simple things in life, having a family, a child, a simple home. But to some people, just like me, Success is far from that. I think big and I know that I am an achiever, It just takes Faith, time and a lot of struggle.
I try to let each day pass by thinking that.... as Bob Marley.... and as I always quote thim.... "everything's gonna be alright"...... I treat it as a challenge that I must be out of the call center business by next year and into the medical field already in California.
During the last few months I cant stop but think of my future......... how can i get to California next year..... what will I do...... what should I do NOW?.,..... a lot of things actually. But, then I realize that I can only do so much right now. So I just divert my energy to my GF so she can benefit from my Positive Vibes about migrating........ I just hope that she is taking this positively and not being pressured by it instead. Well, one thing is for sure. All of the things that I plan will go into place under the Lord's Guidance.
Dreams are not just Dreams
Hmmmm..... here I am again thinking about tomorrow.
I am starting to think that I am thinking too much.... Am I?
But the thing is at this situation.. I am already trying to slow down on things. I am trying to take one step at a time.
I know that the day will come that all my plans uder the Lord's guidance will come into reality.
I love what I am doing (studying) and trying to love what I do for a living... well actually it is not that bad... so I can say that I also love what I do for a living. Its just that I need to go to a level where I feel fulfilled and I feel that I could only see that fulfillment on foreign shores.
I am starting to think that I am thinking too much.... Am I?
But the thing is at this situation.. I am already trying to slow down on things. I am trying to take one step at a time.
I know that the day will come that all my plans uder the Lord's guidance will come into reality.
I love what I am doing (studying) and trying to love what I do for a living... well actually it is not that bad... so I can say that I also love what I do for a living. Its just that I need to go to a level where I feel fulfilled and I feel that I could only see that fulfillment on foreign shores.
I was just thinking
What makes a man shift his view and go towards a new direction?
I got tired of living the way that I am. I don't want to live alive at night and trying to grasp sleep during the day. I don't wanna live like that when I grow old.
It is amazing on how a man can change the way he view things in his life and change it. We have the power to make things happen, pour all of our emotions convert it into energy and make things work out for the best.
Actually, if I had a choice I would have just stopped working and focus on my studies. But I have none, this is one of the things that I had to see through to make things work out for the best.
I want my child to be better than his father in the sense that my father wanted me to be better than him. I want him to live a life that how God intended it to be for man, NOT luxurious but sufficient.
So I will continue to journey through this rough road and make sure that I do not step on anyone's shoes.
It may be difficult but I will keep my inspirations intact and close to me and my heart. I will not succumb and with my God I shall arise.
I got tired of living the way that I am. I don't want to live alive at night and trying to grasp sleep during the day. I don't wanna live like that when I grow old.
It is amazing on how a man can change the way he view things in his life and change it. We have the power to make things happen, pour all of our emotions convert it into energy and make things work out for the best.
Actually, if I had a choice I would have just stopped working and focus on my studies. But I have none, this is one of the things that I had to see through to make things work out for the best.
I want my child to be better than his father in the sense that my father wanted me to be better than him. I want him to live a life that how God intended it to be for man, NOT luxurious but sufficient.
So I will continue to journey through this rough road and make sure that I do not step on anyone's shoes.
It may be difficult but I will keep my inspirations intact and close to me and my heart. I will not succumb and with my God I shall arise.
Down Memory Lane
Here are some of the photos that I took a year ago. I didn't had the time to upload them (decently) to a site until recently..... better late than never.
I wanted to edit them on photoshop but I am not that free as of the moment. These pictures were taken from an entry level Olympus camera.
Don't forget to comment guys! :D
I wanted to edit them on photoshop but I am not that free as of the moment. These pictures were taken from an entry level Olympus camera.
Don't forget to comment guys! :D
Dream Roads
Where do all these dreams take me?
Higher grounds? the Sky? The sands of Nevada or the shores of California?
I really don't know.
I walk blindly in the night only a single star to guide me.
A small spark of light that I try so hard to not to loose it out of sight.
My vision is blurry, but I stand brave through the night.
I don't know if my root once uprooted will hold its new ground.
I don't even know if my roots will even ever be touch that soil.
But I'll hold on to my dreams, I simply hold my Lords word on it.
Higher grounds? the Sky? The sands of Nevada or the shores of California?
I really don't know.
I walk blindly in the night only a single star to guide me.
A small spark of light that I try so hard to not to loose it out of sight.
My vision is blurry, but I stand brave through the night.
I don't know if my root once uprooted will hold its new ground.
I don't even know if my roots will even ever be touch that soil.
But I'll hold on to my dreams, I simply hold my Lords word on it.
My First imeem playlist
This is me today..... i dont know what this means but enjoy the music... i don't hell know why am i such like today.... never mind... Just enjoy..
Maybe from this point on i'll try to post a playlist from time to time to share my emotions.
Maybe from this point on i'll try to post a playlist from time to time to share my emotions.
Because I wasn't doing a lot
I was browsing at about friends that I met when I was in high school. I started thinking... what success really is?
Is it your financial status? Is it the number of places that you've been to? Then I realized it really isn't your stature, where you've been and who you are!
It is the fulfillment of your goals. The realization that you are complete.
I Dream high and but I would not say that I not yet successful. Because I am.
I just want something more. Maybe success for me is to strive for a better life rather than what you already have.
All of us have different ideas of success so, I guess..... I am a story of success.
Is it your financial status? Is it the number of places that you've been to? Then I realized it really isn't your stature, where you've been and who you are!
It is the fulfillment of your goals. The realization that you are complete.
I Dream high and but I would not say that I not yet successful. Because I am.
I just want something more. Maybe success for me is to strive for a better life rather than what you already have.
All of us have different ideas of success so, I guess..... I am a story of success.
Active Directories' Actively Killing Me
This IT guy (actually he is the head) email us and told that the IT department will be including all supervisors in their active directory program. This means no more internet, no more games, no more personal stuff going on.
This also means that this could be the end of my blogging days! I may no longer have access to the internet anymore! hmmm.... I will miss those people who visit my site who do not really exist.
I just cant figure why cant they protect the system while allowing us to surf the net! other centers even encourage their people to surf the internet instead of roaming around and talk to each other!
The center is no longer fun! who took it out? first the people in the center change now the system? what is next?
Despite of these things i thank God because I shouldn't be that affected... I have focused my energy to schooling.... hehehehe.... imagine this is the way i think!
Only 2 more Prelims to go.... Only 3 more Midterms and 3 more Finals to go! I am out of this company and out of this country!
they say that dreaming is good... I agree! It gives me hope and the power to reach my goals! I am a dreamer and I am an achiever. Every achievement begins on a single dream.
This also means that this could be the end of my blogging days! I may no longer have access to the internet anymore! hmmm.... I will miss those people who visit my site who do not really exist.
I just cant figure why cant they protect the system while allowing us to surf the net! other centers even encourage their people to surf the internet instead of roaming around and talk to each other!
The center is no longer fun! who took it out? first the people in the center change now the system? what is next?
Despite of these things i thank God because I shouldn't be that affected... I have focused my energy to schooling.... hehehehe.... imagine this is the way i think!
Only 2 more Prelims to go.... Only 3 more Midterms and 3 more Finals to go! I am out of this company and out of this country!
they say that dreaming is good... I agree! It gives me hope and the power to reach my goals! I am a dreamer and I am an achiever. Every achievement begins on a single dream.
Prelims Week
It's prelims week at school, we'll have an exam every single day and it will last from Monday the 12th of March till the 19th.
We just had the first batch of exams that covers the Fundamentals of Nursing, Nutrition and Diet Theraphy, Pedia Lecture and Skills.
We just had the first batch of exams that covers the Fundamentals of Nursing, Nutrition and Diet Theraphy, Pedia Lecture and Skills.
Fundamentals of Nursing and Diet Theraphy
It really sucks! I hate the professor for these subjects. I just confirmed that she is really ineffective in teaching. I almost answered nothing on the questions that she made. The bad thing about that is what she said what the coverage of the exam was. It is simply stupid that you would put students into something like that.
Pedia Skills and Lecture
Unlike the Fundamentals of Nursing and Diet Therapy subject the professor on this subject did gave pointers to review. She was able to discuss her subject really well. I was also able to answer most if not all of the questions that she made and the enumeration part was not the one that made up most of the points.
I just think that professors should approach the students not like as if they are fresh from high school. They should remember that we are second coursers. we are taking this course so that we could improve our lives and that it is not the only thing that we take care of. Most of us are working and studying at the same time. It is only unfair that we are provided with teachers that are incapable of teaching people like us.
I said to my self that I wont let this go any further. I will not pay for something that I could get nothing from. I mean, they could say that I have books, I have photo copies of reading materials, but I pay for that as well.
I expect them to teach discuss interact we are no longer a child that they can manipulate. I enrolled because I wanted to learn. They could no longer say that I am not studying, I am its just that the professor doesn't know how to teach..
These professors should be equipped with Adult learning techniques because the psychological make up of an adult is different from a real student. We have different priorities now and I feel that they should acknowledge that.
I said to my self that I wont let this go any further. I will not pay for something that I could get nothing from. I mean, they could say that I have books, I have photo copies of reading materials, but I pay for that as well.
I expect them to teach discuss interact we are no longer a child that they can manipulate. I enrolled because I wanted to learn. They could no longer say that I am not studying, I am its just that the professor doesn't know how to teach..
These professors should be equipped with Adult learning techniques because the psychological make up of an adult is different from a real student. We have different priorities now and I feel that they should acknowledge that.
Team Building Plans
Last week, me and my team tried to come up with something fun to do. But over the past few days we were actually toying about the idea of going out of the country. Then suddenly the Idea popped out and there it is. we decided to have a team building activity in Hong Kong Disneyland.
Everyone is really excited about it. we've also invited my past agents who have been part of the program before. wow!
So to make sure that were gonna get there. We've devised a plan that would generate the funds for that activity. every cut-off each agent shall give at least 500.00 pesos and we will be depositing it in a bank account. Then when July or February comes we will withdraw the money and buy tickets to hong kong and disneyland
I am really optimistic about this one. I hope we'll make it through.
Everyone is really excited about it. we've also invited my past agents who have been part of the program before. wow!
So to make sure that were gonna get there. We've devised a plan that would generate the funds for that activity. every cut-off each agent shall give at least 500.00 pesos and we will be depositing it in a bank account. Then when July or February comes we will withdraw the money and buy tickets to hong kong and disneyland
I am really optimistic about this one. I hope we'll make it through.
Bitterness in the office and Fun at school
Why are there people who gets bitter over one's success..... This is don't get.
I think to be sad about not getting what others are is okay, but to be actually bitter and sad is a no no.
I won't even mention the situation but I think its sad that he/she is sad about what I recently was awarded with......
Moving on..... I am nervous about our topic for next week on my Pediatrics class. Our professor announce that we will be taking up Intradermal injections.
It's not that I am scared about it because i don't like the idea of injections..... I got over that a few years ago..... What I am nervous about is that the one that would be administering it would be doing it for the first time as well, and that is what I am nervous about.
Anyways, school is doing really good and I having a lot of fun with it. I am discovering a lot of things. Its like a roller coaster ride that breezes you through a certain point at the speed of light.
But the point here is that I really like what I am studying and I having a hell lot of fun learning.
I think to be sad about not getting what others are is okay, but to be actually bitter and sad is a no no.
I won't even mention the situation but I think its sad that he/she is sad about what I recently was awarded with......
Moving on..... I am nervous about our topic for next week on my Pediatrics class. Our professor announce that we will be taking up Intradermal injections.
It's not that I am scared about it because i don't like the idea of injections..... I got over that a few years ago..... What I am nervous about is that the one that would be administering it would be doing it for the first time as well, and that is what I am nervous about.
Anyways, school is doing really good and I having a lot of fun with it. I am discovering a lot of things. Its like a roller coaster ride that breezes you through a certain point at the speed of light.
But the point here is that I really like what I am studying and I having a hell lot of fun learning.
KTLA Channel 18
I was surfing the net and I found this video of a show in KTLA that talks about how Filipinos are adjusting when they arrive in the States.
It's really cool coz the girl they interviewed is an LVN which is what I'm going to be when I finish my course.
It's really cool coz the girl they interviewed is an LVN which is what I'm going to be when I finish my course.
New Blogspot
I just migrated from the old blogspot to the new version that they had. I just dont like the thing that you have to creat a google account before you can proceed and the worst part is that you cannot stay with your old blog format.
But what can I do?
So now welcome to my new but still the same blog... I just made some improvement since I was on the mood of fixing things so i made my own background layout.
hmmm. actually there are a lot of things that happened since I last blogged.
My Classes has been on for a week and everything is looking good. Though It is a headache for me because this is a second course for me and I'm really not a fan of Anatomy though I love "Grey's Anatomy"
At Work everything is still the same.... I dont wanna elaborate so much about what that means.
At Home.... well I moved out of my parents house (Again) so that I could study and work at the ssame time... some people asks me.. How can you do that? well I guess if you really like something, your going to do everything.
On the Web.... I been surfing a lot these past few days and I came across a lot of interesting stuff
Happy Slip - She is the first you tuber that glued me on the monitor... she is so funny, yet you can still feel the warmth of her heart as she acts... It just so happens that she is a Filipina... Okay fine I admit! I'm biased!! hehehe what can I do she is looks fine wont you agree? so go on check this hot chic out at
2. -I new about this site first in digital tour but I wasn't able to take note of it so I lost it. But one day while watching videos in youtube, I was searching for a show on a certain network and found about him. He was featured on that show and why he started his blog and the journey that he is taking right now. to know more about him log in at . his site was really good until he was forced (like me) to migrate to the new blogspot format.
But what can I do?
So now welcome to my new but still the same blog... I just made some improvement since I was on the mood of fixing things so i made my own background layout.
hmmm. actually there are a lot of things that happened since I last blogged.
My Classes has been on for a week and everything is looking good. Though It is a headache for me because this is a second course for me and I'm really not a fan of Anatomy though I love "Grey's Anatomy"
At Work everything is still the same.... I dont wanna elaborate so much about what that means.
At Home.... well I moved out of my parents house (Again) so that I could study and work at the ssame time... some people asks me.. How can you do that? well I guess if you really like something, your going to do everything.
On the Web.... I been surfing a lot these past few days and I came across a lot of interesting stuff
2. -I new about this site first in digital tour but I wasn't able to take note of it so I lost it. But one day while watching videos in youtube, I was searching for a show on a certain network and found about him. He was featured on that show and why he started his blog and the journey that he is taking right now. to know more about him log in at . his site was really good until he was forced (like me) to migrate to the new blogspot format.
Well that is for now I guess, by the way I think you tube should also be on the list since youtube is cause why I discovered these sites. Thank YT!
School's In Session
Last week (Monday), school officially started. and when I got home, I had a big head ache. It was like a machine that was stuck up for a long time and needed some oil to function again because it had been a long time already since i last went to schoo.
My subjects are pretty intense compared to a regular nursing school coz it was like a crash course. we had to discuss a lot of things in short period of time coz we had to be done in just about a year.
I'm pretty excited about it and I'm very positive on finishing the course before I fly to the states.
My subjects are pretty intense compared to a regular nursing school coz it was like a crash course. we had to discuss a lot of things in short period of time coz we had to be done in just about a year.
I'm pretty excited about it and I'm very positive on finishing the course before I fly to the states.
Back up Plans
Hmmmm... Its the day for back up plans!
Ive been hearing a lot of things these past few days that some or a lot of people's going to resign this year or may be this month!
I just wanna thank God that he made back-up plans for me. I mean, I didn't have any before i went to the states......
My Trip to California was really an eye opener. If not for that trip I would be making ways to study.... if I didn't try to study I wouldn't have any back up plans.
At least now, when I new that he was to leave already I wasn't that much caught by surprise with out any plans or lost in the middle of nowhere.
thank GOD he is GOOD!
Ive been hearing a lot of things these past few days that some or a lot of people's going to resign this year or may be this month!
I just wanna thank God that he made back-up plans for me. I mean, I didn't have any before i went to the states......
My Trip to California was really an eye opener. If not for that trip I would be making ways to study.... if I didn't try to study I wouldn't have any back up plans.
At least now, when I new that he was to leave already I wasn't that much caught by surprise with out any plans or lost in the middle of nowhere.
thank GOD he is GOOD!
Gloria Jeans Robinsons Galleria
Thought that it was going to be just another night of gimik..... But then we met up with some friends (very close friends) from the office... I just confirmed my intuition that one of us is going to resign again!
Hmmmm.. I just thank God that I am prepared for it!
It is so amazing that everything that happened in my life falls into place...
March last year I got to go to California for a business trip and it opened a lot of things in my head... but because of that I miss the opportunity to become a shift manager... I was bitter... well that was before... now I learned A lot
I have now refocused my self to other goals that I am working at... I am just so thankful to God that everything that has happened in my life has been very good.
I hope everything would work out for the best Batch 1!
Hmmmm.. I just thank God that I am prepared for it!
It is so amazing that everything that happened in my life falls into place...
March last year I got to go to California for a business trip and it opened a lot of things in my head... but because of that I miss the opportunity to become a shift manager... I was bitter... well that was before... now I learned A lot
I have now refocused my self to other goals that I am working at... I am just so thankful to God that everything that has happened in my life has been very good.
I hope everything would work out for the best Batch 1!
Then suddenly a fresh breath of air comes along.....
I listened for the first time to Josh Groban's CD and it was really refreshing. It even made me stronger in a way or had given me a a second wind for hope....
one of his song's line goes something like "You are loved its just the way of the world"
that was the air the refreshed me
I listened for the first time to Josh Groban's CD and it was really refreshing. It even made me stronger in a way or had given me a a second wind for hope....
one of his song's line goes something like "You are loved its just the way of the world"
that was the air the refreshed me
So What's Next... ?
Gosh!!! I don't know how I would go about this!
I don't know if I should go back to school.... WHY!?
Because our allowance in the office just got cut off into.... I don't know how many portions. :(
I just hope that I would survive another year and sustain my schooling so I could get out of this industry.
I am not ungrateful of this industry... Its just that I don't wanna work at night my whole life... I just hope and pray that I could get a better life... :(
I Believe that there's a silver lining beyond this!
I don't know if I should go back to school.... WHY!?
Because our allowance in the office just got cut off into.... I don't know how many portions. :(
I just hope that I would survive another year and sustain my schooling so I could get out of this industry.
I am not ungrateful of this industry... Its just that I don't wanna work at night my whole life... I just hope and pray that I could get a better life... :(
I Believe that there's a silver lining beyond this!
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